Have you ever had a challenging student, class, or even an entire school year?

If your answer is heck YES that’s me, you’ve landed on the right site!

I’ve been where you are….

My typical classroom management strategies were not working for all of my students. I spent a lot of time and energy browsing Pinterest for engaging lesson ideas, reading books about behavior, asking for help from staff, and trying to find solutions. I felt like I tried everything! This lit a fire in me to learn more about behavior so I could help my future students.

I took the scary leap and went to grad school to study behavior. I remember sitting in class thinking multiple times “Wow, I wish I knew this when I was teaching!” or “How did I not know about this when I was addressing classroom problem behavior?”

Fast forward to now, I dedicate my time to creating resources and training for educators so you spend less time managing behavior and more time on why you got into teaching…to teach!

Grab your FREE guide to preventing disruptive behaviors!

Let’s get your class on task!

We’ll be with you every step of the way.